Many Months – Benefits of Woollies and More

About Many Months
Babyidea Ltd is a family Scandinavian owned company. The headquarters is located in Helsinki area, Finland. They concentrate on manufacturing and marketing the MaM® Design products designed by themselves and they also partner with other companies sharing their values.
Benefits of Natural Merino Wool:
– Thermoregulation
– Breathability
– Keeps its shape well
– Wool wicks moisture away from the skin (absorbing up to ~30% of its own weight and still feeling dry to the touch)
– Anti-static and anti-bacterial properties
– Natural flame- and UV-resistance
– Less laundry (airing is usually enough when not stained)
– Less likely to absorb odours
What Makes the Natural Family Woollies Special?
*The 100% merino wool rib fabric is made exclusively for our Natural Woollies Collection with an expedition weight of approx. 380 g/m2 — it’s heavier, warmer and more durable than what most other companies are using.
*They use high-quality accessories like YKK-zippers and natural coconut buttons in addition to sewn-on snap tape pieces for exceptional durability and convenience of use.
*The manufacturer has a standard of excellent working conditions and higher salaries and other staff benefits.
*They have their own Oeko-Tex 100, the strictest class I certification, which ensures the safety of all materials and dyes, including threads, buttons, care labels etc. The certification is renewed every single year.
*All items and their packaging are designed in Finland, Scandinavia. The designs are innovative and original, only available from MaM Design.
The Special Sizing of MaM Products
MIRACLE is a preemie baby, 44–50 cm; She was born somewhatbefore she was supposed to leave
the warmth of the womb and needs especially tender and loving care. Organic materials and merino wool are really valuable for our Miracle, as the special properties of merino wool help with regulating body temperature, and keeping the little, skinny body warm. Wrap Miracle in a natural blanket and keep her close, move around, sing and she will grow stronger every day. A true Miracle – a wonder to watch.
NEWCOMER is 0–3/4 months of age and 50–56/62 cm in height; He is SOO cute! Great at sucking and keeping your finger in his hand. He has a gorgeous smile and a big voice. Makes different kinds of sounds already from 2 months of age. Looks at you with love. Can keep his head up at the end of the period. Growth is rapid and clothing that is size adaptable is a big advantage during this period.
CHARMER is 3–6/9 months of age and 62–68/74 cm in height; He has a beautiful smile and is practicing his voice. You can expect babbling and laughing. During this period he is becoming mobile, first rolling over, and later learning how to sit upright by himself. He puts everything in his mouth to explore – be careful with small objects. The first tooth often becomes visible during this period; get a dickie to keep the chest warm even when wet, and to save on laundry.
EXPLORER is 6–12/18 months of age and 68–80/86 cm tall; He is crawling around exploring the floor and everything in reach – choose trousers with patches! He learns to put blocks in a cup and to turn the pages of a baby book. He can pick things up between the thumb and pointer finger, even small food pieces like peas and berries. He takes his first steps and learns how to use the spoon for feeding himself. Allow it to be messy. You can protect the clothing by putting an old adult shirt backwards.
ADVENTURER is 1–2/2,5 years of age and 80–92/98 cm tall; He is no longer a baby, but a toddler and much more mobile than earlier. He loves switches and knobs, and learns how to use his hands for coordinated activities like opening snaps. He has unlimited energy, imitates your behaviour, and is able to follow instructions. The Adventurer can already undress simple clothing by himself. A great age to introduce the MultiCape and the Zip Cardigan. Teach your Adventurer the pictorial ManyMonths labels, so he can help to pick and choose items of the appropriate size.
CONQUEROR is 3–4,5/5 years ofage and 98–104/110 cm tall; She has a great sense of humor and is very active: jumps, runs, races, climbs, throws balls… all day long. She enjoys the company of her friends. And she asks questions, easy questions and difficult questions, embarrasing questions and fun questions. Might give you a new perspective on the world as well. The Conqueror can dress herself with a little help from you. Consider placing a wooden clothing rack for the core garments in your child’s room.