New Place and Sling Library Morning

Something that I wanted for a long time is about to happen. Finally I have a physical place to meet families, hold consultancy sessions and have a sling library morning.
My online shop is open for 24/7 but I am able to give consultations only when the kids are at school. Mostly I am visiting the families at their homes. Actually, this is something I prefer at the newborn stage espacially if it is the first baby of the family. It is rare but some families come and visit me at my home for a session. Starting from January 2023, we have an option to meet at the praktijk.
Where: Ouverture 91a , Eindhoven at the MijnChiro
When: Every Tuesday and Thursday between 09:30 – 14:30 I will be there. Thursday mornings will be dedicated to “sling library”. I also plan to have an “info evening” once a month on a Tuesday evening. I will share more info, photos and videos about these two later.
What to expect:
- You can book a full session (to choose a carrier, to learn how to wrap etc)
- You can come to “sling library morning” have a look at the options, try some carriers etc
- If you already have a carrier and need help with it, you can book a short session (3o min) to get the most out of it
For who: For anyone who would like to learn more about babywearing
How to book: You can send an email to [email protected] – give a call or send a message to me (06-15321854).
I deeply care about the diversity in my library and try to keep the library up to date so my clients could try as much as possible. On the other hand, I am not a collector. I cannot have each and every wrap or carrier. We have enough to learn and practice together in the library.
If the carrier you are looking for is not on the list below, let me know. This way I can borrow from VDC’s library and you can see them in our session. Remember this can take some days to happen it is good to inform me at least a week before.
- Sensimio – Size 7
- Neko Stretchy Wrap
- MyJalou Stretchy Wrap
- Didymos – Size 2
- Neko – Size 5 – 6 – 7
- Isara – Size 6
Ring Slings;
- Neko – Unique Ayaz Glitter
- Didymos – Double face Anthracite
- Little Frog – Rainbow
- Neko – Water Sling
- Tula Free to Grow
- Tula Explore
- Ergobaby 360
- Ergobaby Omni 360
- Ergobaby Adapt
- Boba X
- Bykay – Classic Click
- Isara – The One
- Isara – Quick Full Buckle
- Hoppediz – Primeo
- Nash Sling -Combi Carrier
- Nash Sling – Muslin HB Carrier
- Neko – Halfbuckle Baby Size
- Neko – Halfbuckle Toddler Size
- Neko Switch – Baby Size
- Neko Switch – Toddler Size
- Neko Meitai Baby SizeÂ
- Neko Meitai Toddler Size
What else you can find:
You can see the collection I have of ManyMonths Natural Wollies.
You can get information on pregnancy, birth and baby massage from Anastasia ( .
You can get information on classical homeapathy and functional madicine from Nicole (
See you there
Loves, Özge